This application allows whatsapp enter, read message, send message ... without any of your contacts see your Connection "will appear only the last connection I go directly from whatsapp"* useful for working couples, friends ... (if you feel controlled)(((Also used for your contacts are surprised that you send them messages without connecting ... jejejee)))* for the operation should only enter whatsapp from this application, you can also make normal use whatsapp but the connection will not be hidden.OPERATION:Open the application 1 .... read message and send if needed ... to send not appear as sent but do not worry ...Whastapp 2nd exit ...3rd screen will appear .... select if using wifi or mobile network ...OK ALL CORRECT (has read and sent no one sees your connection)NOTE:* for the proper functioning should go read, send .. and exit the application .... (this means that to maintain a conversation should go in each message, to revive sending or receipt ...)* in the operation of the application can observe a delay in the opertura and closing ... (this is due to a security mode to not show the connection by mistake)Hope will be useful and if they detect a problem or contact the email anomaly. they will be words: whatsapp, whatstime, whats time, hidden, hide, invisible, time, connected, connection, offline, hacker, trick, state, time, line, whatsapp